External assistance for the evaluation and interpretation of field data for the elaboration of a study on habitat selection by different species of woodpeckers and european roller – in the framework of the Romanian-Hungarian cross-border project LIFE13/NAT/HU/00081 “Conservation of european roller in the Carpathian Basin”Learn more
Biodiversity study services for the implementation of activities/sub-activities within the project “Elaboration of the Management Plan for the Natura 2000 site ROSCI0201 Podișul Nord Dobrogean (part overlapping with ROSPA0073 Măcin Niculițel and non-overlapping part north of ROSPA0091 Babadag Forest) and nature reserves IV.57. Mount Consul, IV.58. Sarica Hill, IV.61. Carasan-Teke, IV.64. Edirlen, IV.71. Mândrești Hill, IV.72. Monastery of Cocoș”Learn more
Services for the elaboration of environmental studies necessary for the implementation of the management plan within the project “Elaboration of tools for the adaptive management of natural capital in the protected areas Apuseni Natural Park, ROSCI0002 Apuseni, ROSPA0081 Apuseni Mountains – Vlădeasa and ROSCI0016 Buteasa”, project code SMIS 122643Learn more
Services related to the inventory and elaboration of methodologies and protocols for monitoring the conservation status, elaboration of evaluation studies of activities with potential anthropic impact (pressures and threats), as well as the influence of the abiotic environment on species of community interest of mammals, amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates, in the protected natural areas ROSCI0372 Dăbuleni Potelu and ROSCI0341 Stolnici lake and forrest.Learn more
Services for the elaboration of the management plan background studies; elaboration and approval of the management plan” within the project “Elaboration of the integrated management plan of the Natura 2000 sites Ciucului Mountains – ROSCI0323 and Ciucului Depression and Mountains – ROSPA0034”Learn more
Elaboration and approval of the Integrated Management Plans, including all the necessary background studies within the project “Biodiversity conservation management planning in Natura 2000 sites ROSPA0016 Câmpia Nirului-Valea Ierii, ROSCI0020 Câmpia Careiului together with protected areas 2. 676 Urziceni Forest, 2.677 Foieni Sand Dunes, 2.679 Vermeș Marsh and 2.182 Voievozi Corynephorus Grassland and ROSCI0021 Câmpia Ierului together with protected area 2.183 Valea Rece Hydrographic Complex”Learn more
Services for the elaboration of biodiversity studies related to the scientific basis of the Management Plan within the project SMIS code 116950 “Capacity building for adaptive management of natural capital in Retezat National Park (including reserves 2.494 Gemenele, 2.496 Peștera Zeicului), together with partially overlapping Natura 2000 sites – ROSCI0217 Retezat and ROSPA0084 Retezat Mountains”Learn more
Mapping, inventory, conservation status assessment and specific environmental studies for protected areas ROSCI 0210, ROSCI 0367, ROSCI 0368, ROSCI 0369 within the project “Management plan for protected areas ROSCI 0210, ROSCI 0367, ROSCI 0368, ROSCI 0369”.Learn more
Consultancy services for the elaboration of scientific studies for the elaboration of the management plan within the project “Improvement of biodiversity conservation status in ROSPA 0115 Crișului Repede – Valea Iadului through the elaboration of the management plan” – SMIS 105894Learn more